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凯发一触即发(中国区)官方网站|苹果三星之后 华为支付也将推出

发布时间:2025-02-11 22:06:01

本文摘要:Major Chinese phone makers are speeding up the promotion of their mobile payment services in response to aggressive efforts made by US rival Apple Inc in the countrys promising mobile payment market, analysts said last Wednesday.上周三,据分析人士称之为,为应付来自美国的竞争对手苹果公司正在布局中国新兴的移动支付市场,国内各大手机厂商争相减缓了推展移动支付服务的步伐。

Major Chinese phone makers are speeding up the promotion of their mobile payment services in response to aggressive efforts made by US rival Apple Inc in the countrys promising mobile payment market, analysts said last Wednesday.上周三,据分析人士称之为,为应付来自美国的竞争对手苹果公司正在布局中国新兴的移动支付市场,国内各大手机厂商争相减缓了推展移动支付服务的步伐。Huawei Technologies Co announced a partnership with Bank of China (BOC) on Tuesday, allowing BOC card holders to use Huawei Pay, a contactless mobile payment service. The company told the Global Times via e-mail on Wednesday that it would try to seek cooperation with more banks to jointly promote Huawei Pay.华为科技公司在上周二回应,早已与中国银行达成协议合作,容许中国银行用户用于其公司发售的无接触式移动支付服务--华为缴纳。

该公司于上周三通过邮件告诉环球时报,将“与更好银行合作,来联合推展华为缴纳服务”。Having offered Huawei Pay on Mate S, its near field communication (NFC)-enabled smartphone, the company said it would apply the function to its other smartphone models in the second half of 2016.此前华为早已在旗下具备近程通讯功能的mate-s手机上发售此项服务,并回应将在2016年下半年发售的手机上反对此项服务。Huawei Pay, which is similar to Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, enables users to pay for everything from meals to public transportation to goods via NFC - provided that the vendors also have point-of-sale (POS) terminals that support the technology.华为缴纳,与苹果缴纳、三星缴纳相近,可以反对用户的餐饮、公共交通和购物消费,原理主要是通过手机的近程通讯(NFC)功能与反对此功能的POS终端来构建的。

However, Huawei Pay will not have a big effect on the companys phone sales domestically and globally, analysts said.然而据分析人士称之为,华为发售的缴纳功能对其在国内以及全球市场的手机销量并无过于大促进作用。Contactless mobile payment technology is already widely regarded as a feature that a smartphone should have, especially in China, where an increasing number of people are accustomed to mobile payment, Wang Yanhui, head of the Shanghai-based Mobile China Alliance, told the Global Times Wednesday.周三,总部坐落于上海的中国手机联盟负责人王艳辉对环球时报说道:“在中国这样一个移动支付更加被接纳的国家,非接触式移动支付早已被消费者指出是智能手机的不可或缺功能之一。”Data from the China Internet Network Information Center showed that by the end of 2015, a total of 358 million Chinese users paid bills via smartphones, up 64.5 percent year-on-year.根据中国互联网信息中心统计资料,累计到2015年底,国内总计有3.58亿人用于移动支付服务,比前一年快速增长了64.5%。

However, this widespread interest does not mean the addition of mobile payment technology will drive up smartphone sales, said Wang.然而王艳辉回应,移动支付的普遍接纳并不意味著在加到了移动支付功能后,手机的销量不会以求提升。It will be the same for Huaweis overseas business, Wang noted. Also, consumers in overseas markets have not shown as much enthusiasm for mobile payment services as Chinese people.王艳辉同时回应,在海外市场,华为也将面临某种程度的境地,“此外,国外消费者对移动支付的态度并不像中国消费者那样大力。”For instance, Apple Pay has had relatively limited success in the US market thus far. According to a report by CNBC on February 17 citing research firm First Annapolis, only 20 percent of iPhone 6 owners in the US reported using Apple Pay at least once in December 2015, down from 22 percent in Spring 2015.比如苹果公司的移动支付服务,截至目前在美国市场意味着获得受限的顺利,根据2月17日美国广播公司财经频道援引安纳波利斯咨询公司的调查称之为,只有20%的美国iPhone 6用户在2015年12月份用于最少一次移动支付,比春季时的22%更加较低。

本文关键词:凯发一触即发(中国区)官方网站,凯发·k8(国际) - 官方网站·一触即发


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